Thelacantha brevispina
f.ARANEIDAE       No Subfamily Asian Spinybacked Spider       No Local Name
Thelacantha brevispina
f.ARANEIDAE       No Subfamily Asian Spinybacked Spider       No Local Name
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Cook Islands Status Summary

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    Intl. NamesAsian Spinybacked SpiderEN   Asian Spinyback SpiderEN   Double‑spotted Spiny SpiderEN
    Local NamesNk2RR,MG,AT,MK,MT,AK,PL,TNs,TNw,MH,RK,PK,NS 
    Pacific NamesNo Content
    Sci. NamesThelacantha brevispina (accepted name) , Gasteracantha brevispina, Gasteracantha mammosa [Another species, now G. cancriformis], Plectana brevispina [Original]
    High Tax. Eng.Invertebrate, Arthropod, Spider,
    High Tax. Latink.ANIMALIA, p.ARTHROPODA, sp.CHELICERATA, c.ARACHNIDA, o.Araneae, so.Araneomorphae, f.ARANEIDAE
    Sth. PresenceRR?MG++AT?MK?MT?AK?PL?MN?TK?
    Nth. PresenceTN?MH?RK?PK?NS?SW?
    Local OriginIntroduced; Recent; Naturalised
    Global RangeNative: India - Sri Lanka;  Introduced: se.Asia - Fiji - Cooks - Tuamotu, Hawai‘i; n. to Philippines; s. to Australia; 
    HabitatLand; Lowlands
    ThreatenedNo Content
    InvasivenessNo Content
    BiosecurityNo Content
    Medical StatusNo Content
    Harmful StatusHarmful; injects venom [bite]
    UsesNo Content
    IdentificationLarge, nearly vertical orb-web decorates with whtie tufts of fine silk with female at centre; males have smaller webs nearby. FEMALE ABDOMEN to 10mmØ with 6 thick spines (2 each side, 2 at rear); polymorphic but typically black and yellow-brown with more...extensive white markings including two central white "eyes"; sometimes uniformly black. MALE smaller, to 5mmØ, without obvious spines. Eggs in green, flattened egg-sacs near the web.
    Similar SpeciesSpinybacked Orbweaver (Gasteracantha cancriformis, in Hawai‘i but NOT KNOWN in the Cooks) is white with black spots and red spines.
    Interest NoteNo Content

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    speciesid 14608
    Female - colourful morph
    speciesid 14608
    Colourful morph and dark morph
    speciesid 14608
    Nest and spiderlings
    speciesid 14608
    Compare Gasteracantha cancriformis
    speciesid 14608
    Live on web

Vernacular Names

Scientific Names and Taxonomy

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Citation Information

McCormack, Gerald (2025) Cook Islands Biodiversity & Ethnobiology Database, Version 2025.01.17 - Cook Islands Natural Heritage Trust, Rarotonga. Online at https://naturalheritage.gov.ck/cibed
Please refer to our use policy.

speciesid 14608

Female - colourful morph - Cook Islands, Mangaia - Gerald McCormack 2006

speciesid 14608

Colourful morph and dark morph - Cook Islands, Mangaia - Gerald McCormack 2006

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speciesid 14608
Thelacantha brevispina
Asian Spinybacked Spider
      No Local Name

5AP007_Thel-brev_CK-MG1_GMcCormack1_2006-12_TX.jpg// 5AP007_Thel-brev_CK-MG1_GMcCormack1_2006-12_MX.jpg// {Thelacantha brevispina} // Asian Spinybacked Spider//       No Local Name// ARANEIDAE//


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