Heteropoda venatoria
f.SPARASSIDAE       No Subfamily Pantropical Hunstman Spider Tukutukuraonui RR
Heteropoda venatoria
f.SPARASSIDAE       No Subfamily Pantropical Hunstman Spider Tukutukuraonui RR
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Cook Islands Status Summary

Show Notes
    Intl. NamesPantropical Hunstman SpiderEN   Hunting Huntsman SpiderEN [from "venatoria"]
    Local NamesTukutukuraonuiRR  Nk1MG,MH  Nk2AT,PL,RK,NS  Tukitukira‘oMK  Tukutukura‘onuiMT,AK  HuahuakavaTNs,TNw  MangamangaPK 
    Pacific NamesNo Content
    Sci. NamesHeteropoda venatoria (accepted name) [into this genus Latreille, 1804], Aranea venatoria [Original name], Heteropoda regia, Arenea regia
    High Tax. Eng.Invertebrate, Arthropod, Spider,
    High Tax. Latink.ANIMALIA, p.ARTHROPODA, sp.CHELICERATA, c.ARACHNIDA, o.Araneae, so.Araneomorphae, f.SPARASSIDAE
    Sth. PresenceRR+++MGPAT?MK?MT?AKPPL?MN?TK?
    Nth. PresenceTNPMHPRK?PKPNS?SW?
    VouchersRR2000   MG1960   AK1957   TN1960   MH1960   PK1955  
    Local OriginNative; Resident; OR Introduced; Polynesian or Recent; Naturalised
    Global RangeNative: pantropical; 
    HabitatLand; Lowlands; Uplands
    ThreatenedNo Content
    InvasivenessNo Content
    BiosecurityNo Content
    Medical StatusNo Content
    Harmful StatusNo Content
    UsesNo Content
    IdentificationA large free-roving spider. Female uniformly brown, body to 20mm TL, toe-to-toe span about 8cm. Male, slightly smaller, pale grey with brown markings including two large elongate blotches forming a V on the head-thorax. Both sexes have a dark band on the hind edge of the cephalothorax.
    Similar SpeciesHeteropoda regia is similar and cosmopolitan, although not recorced in Cook Islands.
    Interest NoteEats Cockroaches & other insects. Eggs are developed in a flmore...at-circular white case carried by the female for over a month, during which time she does not feed.

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    speciesid 9334
    Male (small abdomen)
    speciesid 9334
    Female with eggsac
    speciesid 9334
    Recently shed exoskeleton
    speciesid 9334
    Compare venerata & nobilis
    speciesid 9334
    Female and male pedipalps
    speciesid 9334
    Female with egg sac and 2 self-amputated legs
    speciesid 9334
    Female detail
    speciesid 9334
    Adult female

Vernacular Names

Scientific Names and Taxonomy

National Distribution & Vouchers


Local Origin and Global Range


no data available


no data available

Invasive/Pest Status

no data available



no data available

Species Uses

Citation Information

McCormack, Gerald (2025) Cook Islands Biodiversity & Ethnobiology Database, Version 2025.01.17 - Cook Islands Natural Heritage Trust, Rarotonga. Online at https://naturalheritage.gov.ck/cibed
Please refer to our use policy.

speciesid 9334

Male (small abdomen) [15mmBL] - Cook Islands, Rarotonga - Gerald McCormack 2010-05

speciesid 9334

Female with eggsac [15mmBL] - Cook Islands, Pukapuka - Gerald McCormack 2004-01

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speciesid 9334
Heteropoda venatoria
Pantropical Hunstman Spider
Tukutukuraonui RR

5AP033_Hete-vena_CK-RR3_GMcCormack1_2010-05_TXa.jpg// 5AP033_Hete-vena_CK-RR3_GMcCormack1_2010-05_MXa.jpg// {Heteropoda venatoria} // Pantropical Hunstman Spider// Tukutukuraonui ^^RR¬¬// SPARASSIDAE//


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